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- Increasing engagement of VET providers in the establishment and implementation of feedback loops
- Building VET providers’ capacities for generating & collecting graduate tracking data
- Improving VET providers’ uses of tracking data for provision adaptation purposes
- increasing graduate data sharing rates and comparability of VET graduates’ data
- VET graduate tracking toolkit (O1)
- Tracking data and provision performance correlation mechanism (02)
- VET provision adaptation framework (O3)
- Recommendations for VET providers and repository of VET provision adaptation results (O4)
- 5 information days on the InTheLoop4VET project in partnership countries to share and disseminate project results (E1-E5)
- Project website: One-stop online access to all project outputs and resources, facilitating all target groups and stakeholders in comprehending, assessing, and adopting project results.
- Web-based / e-mail campaign: Contacting target groups and stakeholders all across Europe, aiming to inform, motivate, and promote involvement in project activities.
- Online social media pages, videos, and presentations: These tools aim to extend the reach of dissemination efforts by exploiting the appeal of new media, especially to younger individuals and those not reached by other project dissemination activities.
- Printed materials: Brochures/flyers and posters to provide concrete information during project and third-party training, dissemination, and networking events.