- Stiftelsen Kursverksamheten Vid U-auniversitet (Sweden)

Folkuniversitetet is a national Adult Education Association which offers a wide range of VET and adult education training courses throughout Sweden and in several European countries. FU-Uppsala (henceforth FU) has around 120 permanent employees including administrative staff and teachers. Around 300 employees are working on freelance basis. Through the cooperation with other FU offices in Sweden, FU-Uppsala has a national coverage and it is present in multiple municipalities in
Sweden. FU was registered in 1954 and is nowadays a leading organisation in Sweden in Adult Education and Lifelong learning. Every year Folkuniversitetet welcomes over 140,000 students to a variety of lectures, short courses or full-time study programs with duration of six months to two years. Nationally, Folkuniversitetet employs around 400 teachers on a full-time basis and a further 7.000 part-time. An administrative staff of around 500 people works with administration and development.
Webiste : https://www.folkuniversitetet.se/in-english/
- Klaipedos Ernesto Galvanausko Profesinio Mokymo Centras (Lithuania)

Ernestas Galvanauskas (henceforth: EG) Vocational Education and Training Center (VTC) is one of the leading training providers in the region of Western Lithuania offering learners of different age and background training and qualifications in response to local and international labour market demand. The organisation numbers 150 full time staff members and 800 students on average. EG is involved in vocational training for adults and pupils since 1972 – since when a strong training base has been developed, a significant experience of co-operation has been gained and a range of training services has increased. The offered training programs include those of building and construction, social services, personal services, transport services, beauty therapy, business management, programming and security services. Special emphasis is given to the integration into the labour market of individuals experiencing social exclusion for various reasons.
Website : https://www.gpmc.lt
- CIPFP Valle De Elda (Spain)

The VET School Valle de Elda (henceforth CIPFP) is a VET School en Elda (Alicante), an industrial area in the South West of Spain. It offers IVT degrees (Commerce, Food Industries, Tourism, Emergencies and Civil Protection and Social and Healthcare) and High Level VET (International Trade, Marketing and Advertising, Nursery, Sociocultural Animation and Tourism, Social Integration, Promotion and Gender equality, Emergency Coordination and Vitiviniculture). CIPFP, Center of Vocational Training, being one of the only 3 centers in all the province in this category, has access to the mass media, to the body of inspection of the Ministry of Education of the Valencian Community, to the Training Centers for Teachers, to the Municipalities of the Region and given the international network that has been creating since 2007 is capable of international dissemination of projects. The mission of the centre is to favour the professional and social development of the students, expanding the opportunities for their insertion and/or social improvement and the qualification and re-qualification of people throughout their lives.
Website : https://cipfpvalledeelda.com/en/
- Hellenic Society for the Promotion of Research and Development Methodologies Astiki Etairia (Greece)

PROMEA the Hellenic Society for the Promotion of Research and Development Methodologies, is a non-profit society, based in Athens, Greece, aiming at promoting and supporting research & development methodologies, particularly related to innovation in communicating and learning. PROMEA was founded in 2006 by researchers & scientists sharing a common vision of open content, community-driven solutions, strong privacy rights for individuals and civil society, and equal opportunities on access to knowledge. PROMEA’s members include researchers, university and education staff, engineers, entrepreneurs, public & private sector employees.
- European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training – EVBB (Germany)

The European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) is an umbrella association which gathers 57 providers of Vocational Education and Training (VET) all around Europe and beyond, involving 15.000 educational centres for a total of more than 35.000 people worldwide. It was established in Germany as a registered association in 1992 and opened a representative office in Brussels in 2018. Its members are public and private associations, universities, coordinatinginstitutes of education and educational providers at a national, regional and local level. Overall, EVBB covers all fields pertaining to initial, advanced and further education and training. EVBB aims to support quality education without barriers for all and everybody as a key strategy for the future of Europe. Its main objective lies in promoting VET as a first choice, assuring quality and fostering excellence within the scope of a liberal and socially-engaged education.